Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Manuscripts submitted to PRIUS must contain substantial new results and ideas that advance in a non-trivial way knowledge of the areas covered by the journal.

It is expected that your article summarizes in a pertinent and rigorous way the scientific results that you wish to present.

• Articles must be submitted via the PRIUS OJS portal (enter the portal here: OJS login link)
• Use the .doc template (word template) provided to prepare your manuscript. Any document that does not follow the rules and the attached template will be automatically rejected.
• Language: manuscripts must be written in Spanish, English, Italian, German and French.
• CHICAGO format
• An extension between 10 to 25 pages.
• Title: It must be informative, brief and concise. The article must have a title in the author's language and the other in English.
• Authors: use the initials of the names in capital letters followed by periods. The last name must be written in full. If the article is co-authored, separate the names of the authors only with commas. Only a maximum of 6 co-authors will be allowed.
• Institution or Affiliate: Provide the institution or affiliate of each author. Use superscripts to link authors to their respective institutions.
• Email: Provide the email address of each author. Use superscripts to link authors to their addresses.
• ORCID code: if possible, put the ORCID code of each author as superscript (optional).
• The article should be written in a single column as shown in the templates.
• Abstract: Aim for less than 300 words. Clearly indicate the system under consideration, the properties studied, the methods used and the main conclusions drawn in the document. It must be written in the author's language and in English.
• Key words (maximum 6) in Spanish and English (Key words).
• Text: Separate the text into sections beginning with "Introduction" and ending with "Conclusions." Each section must obey the Chicago format.
• Introduction: it must guide the reader regarding the research carried out in a maximum of 600 words, covering the analysis of the research, background or previous work with their respective citations, the objectives and what the author wishes to add.
• Body of work (Theoretical framework, Materials, Methodology - Results and Analysis of Results - Discussion).
• Conclusions: it must refer to the syntheses of the work previously carried out and respond to the objectives set out in the manuscript.
• Acknowledgments (optional)
• Contribution of the authors
• Conflict of interests
• References: Use the Chicago format.
• Regarding the figures: use the PDF or EPS format for the images. The use of color is encouraged. Enter appropriate titles for each figure.
• Regarding tables: avoid introducing large tables; these can be presented as supplementary material.
• Appendices: No appendices or annexes are allowed.


PRIUS will communicate that it has received the manuscripts within seven business days. Then, the articles that meet the indications described throughout this document will go to stage 1 (review by the editor-in-chief and editorial committee) within a maximum period of 3 weeks. If this stage is approved, it will be sent to stage 2 (review by expert peers). For more information about the call and publication dates, enter this link: call

Plagiarism Policy

The journal penalizes plagiarism in all its forms. The detection of plagiarism implies the conclusion of any editorial process. Turnitin software is used, among others, to determine matches between submitted texts and other texts and articles already published on the Internet.

Privacy statement

The names, email addresses and ORCID identifiers entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose. In the same way, the data provided by the users of this portal will not be shared with third parties.

Code of ethics

PRIUS requests that all participants in the publication process (authors, reviewers, and editors) adhere to ethical standards. The journal uses the single-blind peer review system and is guided by the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE. ( ).