Journal Policy

Open Access Policy:

PRIUS is under the Open Access model and therefore is free to read, download, copy and disseminate according to its Creative Commons license (

Article Processing Charges (APC)

At PRIUS - Journal of Law and Political Science, we firmly believe in open access and promoting the dissemination of research in the field of political science and law. Our commitment to accessibility and equity leads us to make the decision not to charge Article Processing Charges (APC) to our authors.

This policy reflects our commitment to equity and open access to research in Political Science and Law. We invite authors from around the world to share their contributions with our journal without the worry of associated costs.

Peer Review Process:

In the case of scientific articles, the journal uses a single-blind peer review process, that is, the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. However, the latter will have access to the names of the authors and co-authors. Reviewers are chosen based on their academic record that demonstrates expertise in the subject to be evaluated. Evaluation periods generally last two to four months. The journal uses the single-blind peer review system.


The periodicity of the magazine is semi-annual, using the "open window" format for the dissemination of articles. It publishes two issues a year, which does not exclude the existence of special issues. The numbers are usually published in July and January of each year.

Copyright and license:

PRIUS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY NC ND) license to the articles and other works we publish. Therefore, each manuscript submitted for publication by the journal will be processed under the CC BY NC ND license. The use of this license is consistent with the open access policy of the journal, since this is the most open license considered "the gold standard" of open access. The summary of this license can be reviewed at:


PRIUS is "golden open access", this means that it does not charge for access to any document published in the journal.


The journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a storage system for conservation and restoration purposes.