Editorial Policies

The Refereeed Journal of Environmental Sciences is a scientific publication dedicated to the dissemination of original and high-quality research in the field of Environmental Sciences. Our editorial policies are based on the principles of academic integrity, ethics, and transparency, and we follow the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Scope and Focus:

The Refereeed Journal of Environmental Sciences is a specialized scientific publication whose main objective is to promote the dissemination of research in the field of Environmental Sciences. Our focus is on all branches and disciplines related to the study and understanding of the environment.

We are committed to being a means of communication and dissemination for researchers, academics and professionals interested in contributing to the advancement of knowledge on environmental issues. We accept original works that address a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Climate change and its impact
  • Management and conservation of natural resources
  • Pollution and quality of air, water and soil
  • Evaluation and mitigation of environmental impact
  • Environmental policies and legislation
  • Sustainability and sustainable development

The Peer-Reviewed Journal of Environmental Sciences strives to be a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas that promotes rigorous, high-quality scientific research. Our goal is to publish articles that present new advances, innovative methodological approaches, relevant results, and significant contributions to the field of Environmental Sciences.

We value the diversity of perspectives and approaches in the study of the environment, and we encourage the participation of authors from different countries and cultures. Our journal offers a space for collaboration and dialogue between researchers, academics and professionals in the search for sustainable solutions to the environmental challenges we face globally.

Through our publication, we seek to facilitate knowledge sharing, promote interdisciplinary research, and contribute to the development of informed, evidence-based environmental policies and practices.

Peer Review

The Peer Reviewed Journal of Environmental Sciences, we are committed to excellence and scientific rigor through a high quality peer review process. Our objective is to guarantee the validity, originality and relevance of the articles published in our journal.

  • Reception and initial evaluation: Once an article is received, our editorial team performs an initial evaluation to verify if the work complies with the submission guidelines and the formal requirements of the journal. This includes aspects such as compliance with the style rules, the structure of the article and thematic suitability.
  • Assignment of reviewers: After the initial evaluation, a team of expert reviewers in the field of Environmental Sciences is appointed to carry out the peer review. Reviewers with relevant experience and specialized knowledge are selected to critically assess the content of the article.
  • Peer review: The reviewers carry out an exhaustive review of the article, evaluating aspects such as the originality of the work, the methodology used, the interpretation of the results and the scientific relevance. The reviewers also analyze the structure of the article, the clarity of the exposition and the precision of the language used.
  • Feedback and Recommendations: Reviewers provide detailed and constructive feedback on the article, highlighting both positive aspects and areas for improvement. Based on their evaluation, the reviewers issue a recommendation to accept, review with modifications, or reject the article.
  • Communication with authors: Authors receive comments and recommendations from reviewers, and are asked to make any necessary revisions and modifications to their work. Authors may submit a revised version of the article along with a detailed response to reviewers' comments.
  • Editorial decision: Based on the evaluations of the reviewers and the revisions made by the authors, the editorial team makes a final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article. The decision is communicated to the authors along with additional comments and guidance, if appropriate.

Originality and Ethics

At the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales, we consider originality and ethics as fundamental elements in scientific research. We are committed to promoting academic integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal.

  • Originality of the work: We value and look for original contributions in the field of Environmental Sciences. Authors must ensure that their submitted papers are original and are not being considered for publication in another journal. Authors are expected to provide clear context for the novelty of their research and highlight any significant contributions to existing knowledge.
  • Ethical Conduct: We expect authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to the highest ethical standards in scientific research and publishing. This includes honesty in the presentation of results, proper attribution of sources, and respect for copyright. Any form of plagiarism, data manipulation, fabrication or falsification of results is considered unacceptable and appropriate action will be taken in the event of misconduct being detected.
  • Conflict of interest: Authors must disclose any conflict of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their work. This includes any financial, personal, or professional relationship that could bias the objectivity or affect the integrity of the investigation. Editors and reviewers must also disclose any conflict of interest and refrain from evaluating work in which they are personally or professionally involved.
  • Compliance with ethical standards: The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales adheres to the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and best practices in scientific publishing. We encourage authors to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and to follow them in preparing and presenting their papers.

Conflict of interests

At the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales, we recognize the importance of addressing and managing conflicts of interest to ensure integrity and objectivity in scientific research and publication. As part of our editorial policy, we are committed to promoting transparency and avoiding any undue influence in the review and decision-making process.

  • Disclosure of conflicts of interest: All authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the review and publication process of the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales must disclose any conflict of interest that may affect the impartiality or objectivity in the evaluation of the articles. This includes, but is not limited to, financial relationships, personal associations, institutional affiliations, or any other link that may influence the decision-making process.
  • Management of conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest disclosed by authors, reviewers, and editors are carefully evaluated by the editorial team. In the event of a dispute, steps are taken to ensure impartiality and objectivity in the review process. This may include excluding reviewers or reassigning articles to other reviewers, as well as making decisions based on additional evaluation or external consultation.
  • Confidentiality and data protection: All those involved in the review and publication process of the journal must respect the confidentiality of the data and information presented in the articles. No information obtained during the review process should be used for personal gain or to the detriment of the authors.


At the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales, we recognize and respect the copyrights of the authors whose works are published in our journal. Our copyright policy is based on the protection of intellectual property and the promotion of open access to scientific information.

  • Right of first publication: Authors who submit their papers to the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales retain the copyright on their articles. By submitting an article for review and possible publication, authors grant the journal the right of first publication, which allows us to publish and disseminate the article exclusively in our journal.
  • Open access and Creative Commons license: The Refereeed Journal of Environmental Sciences promotes open access to scientific information. Articles published in our journal are freely available for readers to access, download, share, and use for non-commercial purposes, as long as the source and authors are properly cited. We use a Creative Commons license to ensure copyright protection and facilitate access and reuse of content.
  • Respect for copyrights: Authors must ensure that their works are original and do not infringe other people's copyrights. Any material cited or used from other authors must be properly attributed and referenced. The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales reserves the right to take appropriate measures in the event of detection of copyright infringements or unethical conduct in relation to intellectual property.
  • Responsibility for the use of content: Readers and users of the content published in the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales are responsible for using it ethically and respecting copyright. Any unauthorized use or copyright infringement is the responsibility of the user.

Article Processing Charges (APC) in the Magazine

At the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales, we are committed to guaranteeing open access to published articles, which implies covering the costs of production, review and publication through Article Processing Charges (APC). These fees are necessary to maintain the quality and sustainability of our journal and to ensure that articles are freely available to all readers.

  • APC Transparency: At the Environmental Sciences Peer Reviewed Journal, we are transparent about APCs and provide clear and accurate information about the costs involved in the publication process. Authors are informed about the APC at the initial stage of submitting their article and before its final acceptance.
  • APC Waiver or Reduction Policy: We recognize that APCs may be a barrier for some authors and that there are circumstances in which it may be necessary to consider fee waivers or reductions. We will consider APC waiver or reduction requests on a case-by-case basis, especially for authors from low- and middle-income countries and in financially constrained situations.
  • Responsible use of resources: We are committed to using the income generated by the APCs in a responsible and transparent manner. These revenues are intended to cover the costs associated with peer review, editing, layout, online hosting, and maintenance of the journal's platform, as well as the dissemination and promotion of published articles.
  • Compliance with ethical guidelines: In setting and collecting APCs, we are guided by the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We make sure that the charges are reasonable and in line with common practices in the academic and publishing community.