Policies for Authors

The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales is committed to guaranteeing high standards of quality and ethics in the publication of scientific articles. To this end, we have established the following policies for authors:

Originality and ethics: Authors must ensure that the submitted articles are original and have not been previously published or are under review in another journal. In addition, they must avoid plagiarism practices and ensure that any material cited or used from other authors is properly attributed and referenced. The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales is guided by the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to promote academic integrity.

  • Originality of the articles: The authors are responsible for ensuring that the articles sent to the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales are original and have not been previously published or are under review in another journal. Submitted papers must represent a significant advance in the field of environmental sciences and must not contain plagiarism in any way. Authors are expected to properly cite and reference any material used or cited from other authors.
  • Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct: The Peer-Reviewed Journal of Environmental Sciences has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. If any form of plagiarism is detected, appropriate measures will be taken, which may include rejection of the article, notification to the author's affiliated institution, and disclosure of the situation to the academic community.
  • Research ethics: Authors must adhere to ethical principles in conducting their research. This includes obtaining informed consent from participants, protecting the privacy and confidentiality of research subjects, using appropriate and ethical methods in data collection and analysis, and disclosing any conflicts of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of the study. study.
  • Proper references and attribution: Authors must adequately cite and reference the sources used in their work, following the conventions established in the field of environmental sciences. This includes correctly citing other authors' ideas, data, and citations, and providing proper attribution to the sources used.

Authorship and Contributions: All authors listed in an article must have made significant contributions to the work and agree to its submission for review and publication. A complete list of authors must be provided, including their institutional affiliations. Any change in authorship after the submission of the article will require a valid justification and the consent of all authors.

  • Authorship: Authors listed in an article must have made substantial and significant contributions to the research paper. This includes participating in the conception and design of the study, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the results, and the writing of the article. All authors must have the ability to publicly explain and defend the contents of the article.
  • Order of authorship: The order of authorship should reflect the relative contribution of each author to the article. Authors are expected to agree and determine the order of authorship in a fair and transparent manner, based on the nature and scope of their contribution. It is important to note that the order of authorship does not necessarily imply a hierarchy of value or merit.
  • Multiple authorship: If an article has multiple authors, it is expected that there will be a clear description of the individual contributions of each author. This description should indicate the specific areas in which each author has contributed to the study.
  • Lead Author: It is expected that at least one of the authors will assume the role of lead author, who will be the main point of contact with the journal and will be responsible for communication and correspondence related to the article.
  • Changes in authorship: Any change in authorship after the submission of the article must be adequately communicated and justified. Changes in authorship can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the consent of all original authors.

Peer Review Process: The Peer Review Journal of Environmental Sciences uses a rigorous peer review process to evaluate articles. Authors must actively participate in the process, respond in a timely and appropriate manner to the comments and recommendations of the reviewers, and make the necessary modifications to their papers based on the feedback received.

  • Article reception: Upon receipt of an article, the editorial team performs an initial review to ensure that it meets the journal's submission guidelines and formal requirements. If the article meets the journal's criteria, the peer review process begins.
  • Assignment of reviewers: Expert reviewers in the field of environmental sciences are selected to evaluate the article. Reviewers are carefully chosen based on their experience and knowledge related to the topic of the article. It seeks to ensure an impartial and high-quality review.
  • Peer review: Reviewers carry out a critical and detailed review of the article. They evaluate the originality, the scientific relevance, the methodology used, the results and the conclusions presented in the article. They also assess the structure, writing style, and clarity of the presentation. Peer review is a confidential process and is carried out using the blind peer review system (double blind), where the names of the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous.
  • Rating and feedback: Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommendations on the article, highlighting positive aspects and pointing out areas that require further improvement or clarification. These comments are forwarded to the corresponding author for consideration and response.
  • Author's Response: The author of the article carefully reviews the comments and recommendations of the reviewers and provides a detailed response to each of them. At this stage, the author can make any necessary changes and improvements to the article and explain how the reviewers' comments have been addressed.
  • Final evaluation and editorial decision: The editorial team, based on the reviewers' comments and the author's response, makes a final evaluation of the article. An editorial decision is made, which can be one of the following: accept the article without changes, accept the article with minor modifications, request further review, or reject the article. The editorial decision is communicated to the author together with the final comments and recommendations of the reviewers.
  • Publication: Once the article has been accepted, the process of final editing, layout and publication in the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales begins. The article is assigned a number and published online, where it is available for access and reading by the scientific community and the general public.

Conflict of interest: Authors must disclose any conflict of interest that may influence the interpretation of the results or the objectivity of the article. Conflicts of interest may include financial relationships, personal connections, or institutional ties that may affect the impartiality or integrity of the work.

  • Definition of conflict of interest: A conflict of interest arises when the personal, financial, professional or institutional commitments of the authors may unduly influence the planning, execution, interpretation or presentation of the results of a study. This includes any financial, business, academic, or personal relationship that might bias the research or impartial evaluation of the article.
  • Disclosure of conflicts of interest: Authors are responsible for disclosing any relevant conflicts of interest in relation to their article. This may include, but is not limited to, research funding, institutional affiliation, contractual relationships, financial partnerships, commercial interests, or personal relationships that may influence the results or interpretation of the submitted work. Disclosure must be clear, complete and transparent.
  • Evaluation and management of conflicts of interest: The editorial team of the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales will evaluate any conflict of interest disclosed by the authors. Appropriate steps will be taken to manage conflicts of interest, such as asking authors to provide additional clarification, reviewing and validating disclosed information, or, in more serious cases, rejecting the article if conflicts of interest are deemed to significantly influence validity. or the objectivity of the results.
  • Transparency in publication: In case an article is accepted for publication, any relevant conflict of interest disclosed by the authors will be clearly communicated in the article, either in the acknowledgments section or in a specific conflict of interest statement. . This guarantees transparency and allows readers to properly assess the impartiality and objectivity of the work.

Copyright: Authors must comply with the copyright policies of the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales. By submitting an article, authors grant the journal the right of first publication. However, they retain copyright to their work and may share or publish it elsewhere with appropriate acknowledgment of its original publication in the journal.

  • Ownership of copyright: The authors retain the copyright of their articles published in the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales. By submitting an article for consideration, authors grant the journal the right of first publication. This means that the journal has the exclusive right to publish the article for the first time.
  • Use and distribution of the article: Once published in the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales, the article will be available in open access so that readers can freely read, download, copy and distribute the content, as long as the author and the magazine. This allows the diffusion and access to the research in a wide and unrestricted way.
  • Acknowledgment of the original publication: When authors wish to use or republish their article elsewhere, they are expected to appropriately acknowledge and cite the original publication in the Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales. This includes providing the full bibliographic reference and, where possible, a link to the version published in the journal.
  • Authors' Responsibility: Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and complying with any copyright requirements related to the use of third-party material in their articles. If images, tables, graphics, or other copyrighted materials are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder and proper attribution must be provided in the article.
  • Respect for the integrity of the content: The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales is committed to guaranteeing the integrity of the published content. If any copyright infringement or any other problem related to the content is detected, appropriate measures will be taken to correct the situation and protect the rights of the authors.

Topics in the Refereeed Journal of Environmental Sciences

The Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Ambientales covers a wide range of topics related to environmental sciences. Our goal is to encourage the publication of original research and significant contributions to the field. Here are some of the main topics we cover:

  • Ecology and biodiversity: Studies on natural ecosystems and their functioning, the conservation of biodiversity, the interaction between species and their environment, as well as the management and restoration of ecosystems.
  • Climate change and mitigation: Research related to the effects of climate change on the environment, ecosystems and species, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  • Pollution and quality of air, water and soil: Studies on air pollution, water quality and management of water resources, as well as the evaluation and remediation of soil contamination.
  • Sustainability and sustainable development: Research that addresses environmental, social and economic sustainability, including environmental impact assessment, life cycle analysis, eco-efficiency and sustainable development policies.
  • Natural resource management: Studies on the management and conservation of natural resources, such as forests, oceans, wildlife, soils and water resources, as well as the planning and management of protected areas.
  • Renewable energies and energy efficiency: Research related to the development and application of renewable energies, energy efficiency, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the transition towards a more sustainable energy matrix.
  • Environmental policies and legislation: Studies that analyze environmental policies, legal frameworks, and regulations related to environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, and climate change mitigation.