Caring for the earth is the opportunity of the future




We started this year with the elaboration of our magazine, where our commitment is firm for development and research, in the agricultural sector, in which professionals dedicated to research and/or dedicated to the field will be involved, to verify the different samples collected that appear in the different crops; likewise, reach with the investigations to different points of the population.
Our Agricultural Sciences magazine, is created with the purpose of promoting science and research in the field of agriculture, since scientific research is part of our professional life, even more, for people who are in frequent contact with our nature, one of them is the case of all agronomists, since there is a close relationship with food production, this is because plants go through different stages of growth and development; however, they can suffer unforeseen alterations due to biotic and abiotic factors, for this it is of the utmost importance to have adequate resources, but without harming our environment, in this way to be able to obtain healthy products.


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How to Cite

Luna Abarca, A. L. (2023). Caring for the earth is the opportunity of the future. Latin American Journal of Agricultural Sciences - RLCA, 1(1), 1–2.