Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is governed by rigorous editorial policies to guarantee quality, integrity and ethics in the publication process. Our journal is a scientific publication specialized in the field of contemporary education and adheres to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Scope and Focus

  • Novel Research: In our journal, we seek to present research papers that are novel and original. We encourage the exploration of new ideas, innovative approaches, and discoveries relevant to contemporary education. We value contributions that generate knowledge and bring new perspectives to the field.
  • Academic Rigor: We strive to maintain high standards of academic rigor. Articles published in our journal are subjected to a rigorous peer review process, where experts in the field critically evaluate the methodology, the validity of the findings, and the quality of the work in general. This review guarantees academic excellence and the integrity of the published content.
  • Theoretical foundation: We value the solid theoretical foundation in the works presented. Authors should support their research with references to relevant previous research, sound theories, and relevant conceptual frameworks. This contributes to the construction of knowledge in the field of contemporary education.
  • Robust Methodology: We hope that the studies presented in our journal use rigorous and appropriate methodologies to answer the research questions posed. The clarity in the description of the methodology used, the collection and analysis of data strengthen the credibility of the results.
  • Significant Contribution: We value contributions that have a significant impact on the field of contemporary education. We are looking for articles that address relevant problems, propose innovative solutions and provide practical knowledge that can be applied in the educational field.


Peer Review

At Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, we follow a rigorous peer review process to guarantee the quality and excellence of the articles we publish (Download rubric for evaluation). As a scientific journal focused on the branches of contemporary education, we value the contribution of experts in the field to critically evaluate the submitted papers.

  • Anonymous review: All articles submitted to our journal are reviewed anonymously by experts in the relevant field. This blind review process ensures an unbiased and objective evaluation, focusing on the quality of the work, the soundness of the methodology, originality, and relevance to the field of contemporary education.
  • Experts in the field: We carefully select reviewers who have experience and specialized knowledge in the subject areas covered in the articles. These academic experts provide a critical and constructive perspective, helping authors improve the quality of their research and strengthen their contributions to the field.
  • Comments and feedback: Reviewers provide detailed comments and constructive feedback on the reviewed articles. These comments include suggestions to improve the methodology, deepen the data analysis, clarify the presentation, and ensure theoretical consistency. Feedback from reviewers helps authors refine their research and strengthen the quality and impact of their contributions.
  • Confidentiality and respect: We guarantee confidentiality and respect throughout the peer review process. The identity of the authors and reviewers is kept strictly confidential. The information and data provided in the reviewed articles is handled with the utmost discretion and is used for editorial purposes only.


Ethics and plagiarism

At the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, we abide by high ethical standards to guarantee academic and scientific integrity in all our publications. We value intellectual honesty, originality, and respect for copyright. As a scientific journal focused on the branches of contemporary education, we are committed to preventing and addressing plagiarism in all its forms.

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism, to any degree, is considered a serious ethical violation and is strictly prohibited in our journal. We urge authors to ensure that their contributions are original and that all sources used are properly cited. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized use of other authors' material, whether in the form of text, ideas, images, graphics, or data.
  • Originality: We value originality in all contributions we receive. Authors must submit research papers that are the result of their own work and that have not been previously published or are not being considered for publication in other journals. If ideas or data from previous work are used, appropriate reference should be made to the appropriate sources.
  • References and citations: It is essential that authors provide accurate and complete references to all sources used in their papers. Ideas, studies, and previous research results that are relevant to the article must be properly cited. Failure to properly attribute is considered an ethical breach and may result in publication rejection.
  • Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their contributions are original and comply with ethical research standards. In addition, they must ensure that all people who have contributed significantly to the work are duly acknowledged as co-authors or in the acknowledgments.
  • Plagiarism detection: We use plagiarism detection tools to verify the originality of the papers submitted to our journal. These tools help us identify similarities to other published works and take appropriate action in case of suspected plagiarism.



At Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, we are committed to guaranteeing the confidentiality and proper handling of information in all aspects related to our publications. We recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of authors, reviewers, and anyone else involved in the editorial process. As a scientific journal focused on the branches of contemporary education, we strive to maintain high standards of confidentiality in all our proceedings.

  • Author Privacy: We respect the privacy of authors and protect the confidentiality of their work. All manuscripts submitted to our journal are treated with strict confidentiality and are only shared with the reviewers and editorial team involved in the review and publication process.
  • Reviewer Privacy: We guarantee the confidentiality of reviewers and protect their identity during the peer review process. Reviewers are carefully selected for their experience and knowledge in the field, and are required to maintain the absolute confidentiality of the papers they review.
  • Confidential Data and Information: We handle any confidential data and information provided in manuscripts in a secure and confidential manner. We undertake to use this information for editorial purposes only and ensure that it is not disclosed without the explicit consent of the authors.
  • Copyright Protection: We respect the copyrights of all authors and make sure that the rights of reproduction and distribution of their works are respected. Any unauthorized reproduction or use is strictly prohibited and we will take steps to address any infringement that occurs.


Transparency and openness

At the Peer-Reviewed Journal of Contemporary Education, we strive to promote transparency and openness in our scientific publishing. We recognize the importance of fostering an academic environment in which information is freely accessible, shared, and discussed. As a scientific journal focused on the fields of contemporary education, we are committed to maintaining high standards of transparency and openness in all our editorial processes.

  • Open Access: We advocate open access to scientific information. We believe that knowledge must be widely accessible to promote significant advancement in the field of contemporary education. Therefore, the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea offers free and unrestricted access to all its articles, ensuring that they can be easily and freely read, downloaded and shared.
  • Copyright Policies: We respect the copyrights of authors and grant them the intellectual property of their works. Authors retain copyright and allow readers to reproduce and distribute their articles with proper acknowledgment. The Refereeed Journal of Contemporary Education uses Creative Commons licenses that promote reuse and open access.
  • Transparency in the review process: We strive to maintain transparency in the peer review process. Authors can expect clear and timely communication on the status of their manuscripts, and reviewers receive clear and detailed guidelines for proper review. We also encourage authors to provide transparent and constructive reviews to reviewers.
  • Data and methodology: We value transparency in the presentation of data and methodology. We encourage authors to share their research data appropriately and to provide detailed information about the methods used in their studies. This allows a better understanding and evaluation of the results and promotes the reproducibility of the research.
  • Dialogue and discussion: We promote an environment of dialogue and discussion in the field of contemporary education. Through the publication of original articles, comments and responses, and active participation in academic debates, we seek to facilitate collaboration and the exchange of ideas between researchers and professionals.


Article Processing Charges (APC)

The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is an open access scientific publication that operates under a sustainable financing model. To cover costs associated with peer review, editing, publishing, and journal maintenance, we assess an Article Processing Charge (APC) to authors of accepted papers.

The APC in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is used to support the necessary infrastructure for the operation of the journal and to ensure the continuous availability of articles in an open and free format. The income generated through the APCs allows us to maintain high quality standards in the editorial process and guarantee open access to research in the field of contemporary education.

Authors whose articles are accepted for publication will receive detailed information on APC costs, as well as available payment methods. We offer flexible payment options and, in some cases, special considerations for authors from low-income or limited-resource countries.

It is important to note that the APC payment does not influence the peer review process. All articles are subjected to a rigorous review and selection process based solely on their quality and contribution to the field of contemporary education.

We value the support and collaboration of our authors in financing the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea through the APC. This funding model allows us to maintain ourselves as an open access journal, providing a platform for the wide and free dissemination of research for the benefit of the academic community and the general public.