Peer Review

Peer review

At the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, we follow a rigorous peer review process to guarantee the quality and excellence of the articles we publish. We value the critical and constructive review of experts in the field of contemporary education to ensure the integrity and relevance of the works presented.

Review process: All articles submitted to our journal are submitted to a peer review process. Once we receive an article, our editorial team conducts a preliminary review to verify its compliance with the submission guidelines and its relevance to the field of contemporary education. If it meets these criteria, the article is submitted to expert reviewers.

Selection of reviewers: We carefully select reviewers with experience and knowledge in the subject areas covered in the articles. Our editorial team considers academic experience, research experience, and subject affinity when assigning reviewers. We maintain an anonymous review process, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the review process.

Critical evaluation: The reviewers carry out an exhaustive revision of the article, evaluating its originality, relevance, methodological validity and clarity in the presentation of the results. They provide detailed feedback and suggestions to improve the work. These comments are fundamental to the review process and allow authors to strengthen their contribution.

Editorial Decision: Once review reports are received, the editorial team evaluates the comments and makes an informed editorial decision. Decisions may include acceptance of the article without changes, acceptance with minor or major revisions, or rejection. In cases of discrepancy between the review reports, the additional opinion of another reviewer is sought or a discussion is held among the members of the editorial team to reach a final decision.

Communication with authors: The editorial decision is communicated to the authors, together with the review reports and the reviewers' comments. If revisions are requested, adequate time is provided for the authors to make the necessary modifications. Authors receive guidance and support during the review process to improve the quality of their article.

Approval and publication: Once the authors carry out the requested revisions and the article meets the established quality criteria, we proceed to the final editing and formatting stage. The article is scheduled for publication in the next available issue of the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea.


The peer review process guarantees the quality and rigor of the articles published in our journal. We value the participation and contribution of our reviewers, whose comments and suggestions contribute to improving the quality and relevance of the articles. Our goal is to promote academic excellence and advance knowledge in the field of contemporary education.