Policies for Authors

Policies for authors

The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, published by Peruvian Science (Peru), is dedicated to promoting research and academic exchange in the field of contemporary education. Our journal follows the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and adheres to high standards of quality and ethics in scientific publication. Next, we present our policies for authors who wish to submit their works to our journal:

Originality and Ethics

  • Originality: We value originality in the works sent to our magazine. All articles must be original and must not have been previously published or under consideration in another journal. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is authentic and does not contain any type of plagiarism, both in terms of textual content and figures, tables or other graphic elements. Any form of plagiarism or scientific misconduct will be considered unacceptable.
  • Academic Integrity: At the Contemporary Education Peer Review, we promote high standards of academic integrity. Authors must present their work honestly and accurately, providing truthful information and supporting their claims with reliable data and adequate references. Likewise, the authors are expected to avoid any conflict of interest or bias that may compromise the objectivity of their research.
  • Citation and References: It is essential that the authors adequately cite the sources used in their research. This involves providing accurate and complete citations for all works cited, following an appropriate citation format, such as APA, MLA, or another style accepted in the field. In addition, authors must avoid autoplague, that is, the excessive or unnecessary inclusion of their own previous work without adequate justification.
  • Consent and Confidentiality: Authors must obtain adequate and ethical consent from the participants or study subjects involved in their research. In addition, they must respect the confidentiality and privacy of the participants, avoiding revealing personal or identifiable information without the express consent of the parties involved.
  • Publication Ethics: The Contemporary Education Peer Review adheres to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to ensuring fair and objective peer review, guaranteeing the confidentiality of submitted papers, avoiding any form of discrimination or bias, and providing authors with constructive and transparent feedback.



The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is part of the field of contemporary education and its main objective is to promote research and academic exchange in this constantly evolving field. We accept works that cover a wide range of topics related to contemporary education. Some of the subject areas relevant to our magazine include, but are not limited to:

  • Pedagogy and Didactics: Innovative pedagogical approaches, teaching and learning strategies, educational methodologies, learning assessment, curriculum design, inclusive education, among others.
  • Educational Technology: Use of technology in education, digital learning, educational platforms, mobile applications, gamification, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, among others.
  • Educational Policies and Reforms: Analysis and evaluation of educational policies, curricular reforms, equity and access to education, educational quality, financing and education management, among others.
  • Education and Society: Relationship between education and social development, education for citizenship, cultural diversity and education, education and gender, education and sustainability, among others.
  • Teacher Training and Professional Development: Effective teaching practices, initial and ongoing teacher training, educational leadership, classroom management, collaborative work among teachers, among others.
  • Higher Education: Innovation in higher education, university teaching, project-based learning, training for employment, evaluation and quality in higher education, among others.


Peer Review Process

The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is committed to quality and excellence in the publication of academic papers in the field of contemporary education. To ensure this, all papers submitted to our journal are subjected to a rigorous peer review process. Here is our peer review process:

  • Initial evaluation: All received papers are initially evaluated by the editorial committee of the journal. At this stage, it is verified that the works comply with the presentation and format guidelines established by the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. Papers that do not meet these guidelines or do not fit the journal's thematic focus may be rejected at this early stage.
  • Assignment of reviewers: Papers that pass the initial evaluation are assigned to expert reviewers in the corresponding field. Reviewers are carefully selected based on their expertise and experience, and their identity is kept confidential during the review process.
  • Peer Review: Reviewers perform a comprehensive review of assigned papers. They evaluate aspects such as the relevance and originality of the work, the methodological solidity, the coherence and clarity of the presentation, and the contribution to the field of contemporary education. Reviewers can also provide constructive comments and suggestions to improve the work.
  • Feedback and decision making: Once the peer review is complete, the reviewers send their reports to the journal. Based on these reports, the editorial board makes a decision on the work. Decisions can be to accept without modification, accept with minor revisions, request major revisions, or reject the work. In case of requesting revisions, the authors are given adequate time to make the suggested modifications.
  • Communication with authors: The journal communicates directly with the authors to inform them of the decision and, if necessary, to provide them with the reviewers' reports and instructions for conducting the reviews. An open and constructive dialogue between the authors and the editorial board is encouraged during this process.
  • Publication: Once the papers have been accepted and the requested revisions have been carried out satisfactorily, the papers are scheduled for publication in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. Accepted papers are published online and are available to the scientific community and the general public.


Peer Review Process

The Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea is committed to quality and excellence in the publication of academic papers in the field of contemporary education. To ensure this, all papers submitted to our journal are subjected to a rigorous peer review process. Here is our peer review process:

  • Initial evaluation: All received papers are initially evaluated by the editorial committee of the journal. At this stage, it is verified that the works comply with the presentation and format guidelines established by the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. Papers that do not meet these guidelines or do not fit the journal's thematic focus may be rejected at this early stage.
  • Assignment of reviewers: Papers that pass the initial evaluation are assigned to expert reviewers in the corresponding field. Reviewers are carefully selected based on their expertise and experience, and their identity is kept confidential during the review process.
  • Peer Review: Reviewers perform a comprehensive review of assigned papers. They evaluate aspects such as the relevance and originality of the work, the methodological solidity, the coherence and clarity of the presentation, and the contribution to the field of contemporary education. Reviewers can also provide constructive comments and suggestions to improve the work.
  • Feedback and decision making: Once the peer review is complete, the reviewers send their reports to the journal. Based on these reports, the editorial board makes a decision on the work. Decisions can be to accept without modification, accept with minor revisions, request major revisions, or reject the work. In case of requesting revisions, the authors are given adequate time to make the suggested modifications.
  • Communication with authors: The journal communicates directly with the authors to inform them of the decision and, if necessary, to provide them with the reviewers' reports and instructions for conducting the reviews. An open and constructive dialogue between the authors and the editorial board is encouraged during this process.
  • Publication: Once the papers have been accepted and the requested revisions have been carried out satisfactorily, the papers are scheduled for publication in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. Accepted papers are published online and are available to the scientific community and the general public.


Open Post

The Refereeed Journal of Contemporary Education is proud to adopt an open access policy, which means that all accepted articles are published free of charge and available to the scientific community and the general public. We believe that scientific knowledge must be accessible and widely shared to promote the advancement of contemporary education. Here are the key aspects of our open posting policy:

  • Free Access: All articles published in the Contemporary Education Peer Review are available free of charge on our website. This allows anyone interested in the field of contemporary education to access and read the articles without financial restrictions.
  • Immediate Availability: Once the articles have been accepted and reviewed according to our quality standards, they are published online immediately. This ensures that research results are available as soon as possible, without unnecessary delays.
  • License of Use: The authors of the articles retain the copyright of their works published in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. However, authors will be required to grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and archive their work. This guarantees the dissemination and long-term preservation of published articles.
  • Indexing and Visibility: The Contemporary Education Peer Review strives to improve the visibility and reach of published articles. Our editorial team works to index the journal in relevant academic databases and search engines. In addition, we promote the articles through our social networks and collaborate with other institutions and magazines to increase their visibility.
  • Responsible Use: By publishing in open access, we encourage responsible and ethical use of articles. Readers have the right to access, read, download, print, and share the articles for educational or research purposes, as long as copyright is respected and the source is properly cited.



At the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, we recognize and respect the copyrights of the authors whose works are published in our magazine. We value your contribution to the field of contemporary education and are committed to protecting and promoting your rights. Here is our copyright policy:

  • Ownership of Copyright: The authors retain the copyright of their works published in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. This means that authors have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, communicate and use their own work, subject to the terms and conditions established in the license granted to the journal.
  • Non-Exclusive License: By submitting a work to our journal, authors agree to grant Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and archive the work. This license allows the journal to publish the work in print and electronic formats, to distribute it through our website and other dissemination channels, and to retain a copy of the work in our archives.
  • Acknowledgment of the Source: The authors must be adequately acknowledged and cited as the original authors of the works published in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea. Readers and other users of the work should properly cite the source and provide proper credit. This includes the name of the authors, the title of the work, the name of the journal and other details necessary for proper bibliographic reference.
  • Responsible Use: When publishing in Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea, authors must ensure that their work does not infringe the copyrights of third parties or violate any intellectual property laws. Any use of copyrighted materials, such as figures, tables, or text extracts from other sources, must be properly cited and comply with copyright regulations.
  • Permission Requests: If authors wish to use part of their own work published in the Revista Arbitrada de Educación Contemporánea in future publications or in other contexts, they are requested to request permission from the journal. We will be happy to collaborate and facilitate the reuse of works published in our journal, as long as copyright is respected and appropriate reference to the original publication is made.