Education is constantly evolving reach and transform every corner of Peru




It is an honor and a privilege to warmly welcome you to the first edition of the Refereed Journal of Contemporary Education, a publication that aspires to be a space for knowledge, reflection and dialogue in the broad and always changing field of education. This magazine, run by the Peruvian Science Publishing House, has been conceived with the mission of providing significant contributions to the understanding and evolution of education, constantly seeking its development to educate citizens of the present and the future.

We live in an era of rapid global change and challenges, where education plays a crucial role in preparing individuals capable of facing and overcoming these challenges. The Arbitrated Journal of Contemporary Education arises with the purpose of becoming a platform where academics, researchers, educators and professionals in the educational field can share their knowledge, experiences and research. Our goal is to foster a space for rigorous and constructive debate that promotes advancement and innovation in educational practices.


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How to Cite

Rengifo Lozano, R. A. (2024). Education is constantly evolving reach and transform every corner of Peru. Arbitrated Journal of Contemporary Education, 1(1), 1–2.