The use of strategies and the development of critical thinking in urban area students




Strategies, Education, Critical Thinking


The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of the use of strategies in the development of critical thinking of students in the urban area, for which the problem was raised: How does the use of strategies influence the development of critical thinking in students? from an urban area?, with the following statement as a hypothesis: the use of strategies significantly influences positively the development of critical thinking in students, the type of research used was documentary with a qualitative approach, at a simple or elementary level, La The population was made up of books, magazines and articles extracted with the help of different search engines and various authors referring to critical thinking, strategies, didactics and education. The review of 3 books, 9 magazines and 5 articles was made, making a total of 17 texts analyzed. The technique for data collection was the review and bibliographic analysis of different sources, resulting in the significant acceptance of the hypothesis in a positive way, under the support of different authors cited in the present investigation, reaching the conclusion that The better application of strategies will contribute positively to the development of critical thinking in the student.


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How to Cite

Sanchez Lavado, L. (2024). The use of strategies and the development of critical thinking in urban area students. Arbitrated Journal of Contemporary Education, 1(1), 34–41.